Health Tip

If you want to lose weight, you’ve got to make a commitment

Health Tip

Health Tip: if you want to lose weight, you’ve got to make a commitment.

Making the decision to lose weight and adopt a healthier lifestyle is a huge step that requires, above all, a commitment to yourself. Putting this commitment down on paper, turning it into an actual, visible reminder or contract of sorts, helps most of us stay focused on the ultimate goal. This document can include your target weight, the type of exercise you’d like to do to achieve it, or the different ways you’ll celebrate every small step forward.

Another helpful tip is to write down the reason for losing weight: a relative with a history of heart disease; wanting to look your best; playing soccer with your kids. Keep the contract handy so you can continue to push forward when your commitment weakens, and remember how happy you’ll feel once you reach the finish line.

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